Starting Your Art Collection

Whether you are looking to acquire art to fill the walls of your home, as an investment, or simply love the arts, starting your art collection can seem a daunting task given the wide choice of art available. In this latest blog, leading art consultancy Artfully Sorted shares their expert tips on how to get started and navigate the art buying process.

Consider What Art Genres Appeal to You : Begin by researching different art styles. Do you like abstract works or prefer more figurative pieces where the subject is more defined? Are vivid colours and texture important to you or do you prefer more muted tones? Do you lean towards more traditional impressionist works or contemporary pop art? Understanding what art appeals to you and what excites your senses is the first crucial step when considering which genres to focus on thereby narrowing the options down.

Set Your Budget: Work out how much you're willing to invest in your art collection. Decorative wall art from online sites are useful places to browse through if you are looking to fill blank walls as prices are more reasonable but these tend no to be original works of art from artists. With the arrival of 0% financing schemes, owning original art has become more affordable for art buyers as payments are spread over a period of time at no interest but you are able to own your art straight away. Artfully Sorted works with Art Money for works over £1000 but we can also arrange financing directly for lower priced works over £300.

Explore Local Creatives: Support local artists and galleries in your area. See what exhibitions, art fairs, and open studio events may be near you. Nothing beats seeing art in real life. You may discover new rising talent who are often more affordable at the earlier part of their artistic journey.

Consider Prints and Limited Editions: Limited edition prints can be a great way to start your collection as they are usually more affordable than original works. The quality of artist prints is so high these days and if framed under art glass, will last for years.

Build a Rapport with Artists and Galleries : Establishing a connection with artists and galleries either through social media - Instagram or Facebook - or joining their mailing lists. This can lead to special offers being sent to you on work which normally might be out of your budget. And in many cases if they are local to you, they will allow you to trial the artwork in your space before committing to buying.

Buy What You Love: Go for the pieces that strike a deep personal chord. Your collection should be a reflection of your unique tastes. Blank walls in a home are like a biography yet to be written, as art fills the home the journey of one’s life starts to be captured and reflected on.

Hire an Art Consultant : Leading UK art consultancy Artfully Sorted is passionate in finding art our clients love. We help first-time buyers and established collectors navigate the art market and are experts in finding art that match budgets as well as artistic preferences. Art finishes a space and we welcome the opportunity to guide you through buying art for your home.