Whilst working on the edge of both intellect and vision, Deborah still permits the paint to develop its own identity within her paintings. Since her first emergence in the 1990’s Deborah Lanyon’s practice has taken a slight turn in direction over the last couple of years, inspired by time spent in Italy, Slovenia, France and England. Her travels have allowed her to absorb the culture and landscapes through which she has passed, not only visually, but through all her senses: sound, smell, taste and touch.

Sometimes smaller works are created in situ and then transported home to act as further visual stimuli for the larger works, which are mostly painted from collective memory. Embracing this lapse of time between first seeing a place/space – when and where it was – to the moment when the painting is realised, allows her to digest and synthesize ideas over time. It is by no chance then, that Deborah’s paintings seem somehow to remain in the first moment – always fresh, energetic and truly alive