Julia Anne Taylor is a self-taught impressionist artist based in London. Her preferred medium is oil painting but likes to dabble in pottery. She is currently living in Notting Hill after spending almost thirty years on the northeast coast of America.

Julia Anne loves nature and the feeling of freedom evoked from being outside in countryside. She especially loves trees and plants, not only for their wide array of colours, but also how wildness and lack of a care in the world. Through her art she transports herself back to those cherished moments in the outdoors feeling at peace. Her art is atmospheric and thought provoking, with a hint of fantasy to it. If one looks long enough into her stunning paintings, one can feel oneself awakening in some faraway magical land.

She has exhibited a number of times at the Society of Fulham Artist and Potters and is on the Affordable Art Fair online marketplace showcasing more of her work.


Featured Artwork - ‘Flowers In A Vase II‘

Painted in oils and gesso, Julia Anne Taylor decided to revisit still life paintings in lockdown. Not being able to leave the house, she found beautiful things around her, bringing the beauty of outside to inside the home. Eventually, Flowers in Vase II was created, the second piece in her latest series.